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Mi presento ^_^
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I currently hold the position of Art Director at CON.NEXO’, an Italian software development house. My experience in visual communication, however, covers all fields of Graphic Design, online and offline: creative direction, advertising, printing setup, web design (including responsive design for smartphones and tablets). Thanks to this 360° background I can manage all the visual communication, supporting effectively Marketing and Communication resources in pursuing strategies to increase brand awareness, promote brand identity and one-to-one communication, even establishing a direct relationship with suppliers, considering their offers according to budget and reporting periodically to the project manager.
I think that a successful Visual Communication springs from a good interaction with all Communication’s Fields; mostly if we talk about Web Communication. That’s why I decided to integrate my skills with a deep knowledge of Internet Advertising, from starting a campaign to monitoring online activity: Google Adwords, Facebook Adv, SEO strategy, Google Analytics.
The curiosity on the world of communications and marketing, pushes me to try new ways and communication languages. In my job, i consider essential promoting and share all my knowledge and experience with my colleagues; because it is the best way to do always a great job.
Creative Art & Project
Communication and Marketing – Offline & Online
User Interface: GUI, Mobile, Tablet, Web Application
Applicativi: Adobe Master Collection CS5.5, Quark Xpress, Office Automation, Software Prototyping and Mockup
Linguaggi: xhtml, html5,, SASS, SCSS, css2, css3, jQuery, Actionscript, PHP, ASP, .NET, Apache Velocity
Framework CSS: Susy, Breakpoint, 960grid, Blueprint CSS, Less Framework CSS, Foundation, Bootstrap
CMS: Drupal, Liferay, WordPress, Joomla
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